Sunday 25 September 2016

This article is an abbreviation of my 8 page-long research (with all relevant references). It is a LONG, but still brief presentation of the "TERRIBLY SINISTER" facts to be read by all and stored by some - the serious elite - into their "FAVORITES" for subsequent re-reading & references.

The three organizations which control Western societies everywhere and the New World Order:

1. the United States is the military arm of the New World Order (NWO) headquartered in Washington, D.C. … 2. the United Kingdom is the financial arm of the NWO based in the Financial District in the City of London ... 3. the Vatican authority which has forever functioned as the religious arm.
However, the leaders in each of these major arenas suffer from extremely high visibility.  Exposure is the first thing that real power-brokers and controller types avoid like the plague.  Those who really control the earthly realm operate in utter secrecy.  They always have and they always will since it is secrecy that is the very basis of their power and influence. Only with this correct knowledge can the many levels of power and layers of influence which exist above these three power centers be properly understood. True worldly power never, ever reveals itself. It always stays hidden from view. If you think you see it, hear it, feel it, then it is not real power. This abiding modus operandi is what allows true worldly power to stay in the ascendant position, as well as to continue to accrue even more power unto itself.  In fact it always acts in utter secrecy.

No one knows this fact of life on Earth better than the Jesuits. This Roman Catholic denomination was founded as a military organization and built around a classic pyramid of power hierarchy.  The Jesuit General who resides at the very peak of the pinnacle of this pyramid enjoys absolute authority.

The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…” Napoleon I

A look at how the Jesuits controlled Europe

The Jesuits became the predominant group supplying confessors to (meaning, hearers of the confessions of) kings and princes and those in authority.  As the New Catholic Encyclopedia says, "they acted as royal confessor to all French kings for 2 centuries, from Henry III to Louis XV; to all German emperors after the early 17th century; to all Dukes of Bavaria after 1579; to most rulers of Poland and Portugal; to princely families throughout Europe. It is in this way that the Jesuits have been relied upon for advice and counsel by kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers throughout the past 450 years.  They quite stealthily finesse their way into the confidence of world leaders wherever they are needed to start wars, trigger global depressions, instigate revolutions, and incite diplomatic conflicts of every sort and kind.  In a word, the Jesuits are history’s greatest troublemakers, which is precisely why they have been kicked out of so many countries down through the centuries.

Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J.  Campbell].  Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."Obviously the Jesuits were not expelled from many nations (even Catholic nations) because of their educational or charity work.  They were expelled for engaging in and carrying out subversive political plots against humanity to advance their own cause.

Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits as a society in 1773:
It did not take long for the 18th Century Catholic nations to get tired of the meddling of the Jesuits into their national affairs.   The Jesuits' deception, spying, infiltration, assassination, and revolution, working deep into the political field and plotting through politics throughout the world countries.  The European kings were so infuriated against the Jesuits that they demanded the Roman Catholic Church abolish them once and for all.  Sufficient political pressure was brought to bear on Pope Clement XIII.  However, he passed away before he could do anything about it.  The task of abolishing the Society of Jesus then fell on his successor, Clement XIV.  As Clement XIV signed the decree abolishing the Jesuit Order he said, “I have signed my death warrant,…” Within nine months he was dead. 
No other entity on Earth was expelled and suppressed by Catholic and non-Catholic countries as the Jesuits.

Restoration of the order in 1814

After Pope Pius VII was freed from exile in 1814, his first order of business upon returning to Rome was to restore the Jesuit order
The papacy suffered great humiliation at the hand of Napoleon.  Thus, right after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814, Pope Pius VII was freed from imprisonment and was returned to Rome.  The need to restore the Jesuit militia became an urgent matter.  Rome did not want to be deprived again of the services of the Jesuits, no matter how burdensome this service was to the Church of Rome, and its allies.


Inquisition with the criminal Jesuits wearing the black habit

It is impossible to list the crimes they were responsible for starting with the dreaded inquisition to the many kings and leaders of countries assassinated. 

 Painting of assassination of King Henri IV of France by Ravaillac (a Jesuit operative)
Here is a very short list:
  • Heads of states were assassinated by the Jesuits, when they attempt to suppress the influence and meddling of the Jesuits in their national affairs.  Of heads of states that are known to have been assassinated by Jesuits I shall mention for example: William of Orange, Kings Henry III and Henry IV of France, Czars Alexander I and Alexander II of Russia, President Abraham Lincoln
  • In Bohemia, by 1600, in a population of 4,000,000, 80 per cent were Protestant.   When the Hapsburgs and Jesuits had done their work, 800,000 were left, all Catholics.”

    Pope Jean-Paul I with behind the sinister Cardinal VILLOT
  • Pope Jean-Paul I – 33 days – Cardinal Luciani Albini. Sister Vicenza found the Holy Father dead at approximately 4:45 a.m. on September 29, 1978 in his bathroom with vomit on the floor and was forced to keep silent by the Secretariat of State, Cardinal Villot, who imposed a vow of silence upon her to cover-up the whole affair. The secretaries were likewise forbidden to advise anyone of the events without Cardinal Villot's authorization.  A trustworthy person conveyed to Fr. Saez personally that Sister Vicenza had said, "But the world must know the truth."
    (On August 28, the beginning of his papal revolution was announced: there was to be no coronation, that the new pope refused to be crowned, there would be no
    sedia gestatoria, the chair used to carry the pope, no tiara encrusted with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds, no ostrich feathers, no six-hour ceremony.... Luciani, insisted that the "coronation" becomes a simple Mass. The spectacle of a pontiff carried in a chair...was supplanted by the sight of a supreme pastor quietly walking up the steps of the altar. With that gesture Luciani abolished a thousand years of history.)
Why was he murdered? Because of his intent to overturn the tables of the corrupt Vatican Bank, and purge the Vatican of the P2 Lodge, an international network of fascists and money launderers, with ties to far-right elements within military and intelligence agencies which included high echelons of Jesuits.

Cardinal Villot was Vatican Secretary of State from 1969 to 1979, and Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church from 1970 to 1979
  • Pope Jean-Paul I died after his "toast" with Cardinal Villot the night of September 28, 1978. The bottle and all his papers disappeared. On order of Cardinal Villot – a Jesuit – within 10 hours, the entire 19 rooms of the Papal Apartments were totally bereft of anything remotely associated with the Papacy of Luciani.
It is equally impossible to list what the Kings/Presidents of countries have said about the nefarious influence & power of the Jesuits over the centuries:
  • "My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order’s] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de] Loyola."John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States)

  • "The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with super-added features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous."Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States) - See more at:
  • It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general. He served in the American Continental Army under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War.)

  • Alas, I knew they [i.e., the Jesuits] would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner.” (1774)Pope Clement XIV (Who had “forever” abolished the Jesuit Order in 1773)

  • "The war [i.e., the American Civil War of 1861-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits."
    Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)- See more at:

When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colours, and the other ... a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM NECAR REGES IMPIUS = It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers. The ceremony takes place facing the black banner.

Dr. Alberto Rivera, who escaped from the Jesuit Order in 1967, confirms that the induction ceremony and the text of the Jesuit Oath which he took were identical to the text cited above.

He is the first JESUIT POPE … No other pope was ever chosen from among the JESUIT ORDER.

 Notice the Jesuits' emblem


Senator Tim Kaine was quite purposefully chosen as the running mate of Hillary Clinton because of his strong Jesuit education and pedigree.  A Jesuit-trained Irish Catholic of his stature is just what is needed by the NWO cabal should a President Hillary Clinton become a reality.  Were she to become POTUS (PresidentOfTheUnitedStates), she would either be impeached (resulting in Tim Kaine becoming POTUS), incapacitated by her many physical and mental deficits (resulting in Kaine becoming POTUS) or die by Jesuit intrigue or natural death (resulting in Kaine becoming POTUS). Even if she finishes out her term, he still holds sway as Jesuits always do.

Present General of the Jesuits
The Superior General of the Society of Jesus is the official title of the leader of the Roman Catholic religious order, the Jesuits. He is generally addressed as Father General. The position sometimes carries the derogatory nickname of the Black Pope. The current Superior General is the Reverend Father Adolfo Nicolás. 

He is the second most powerful cardinal in the Curia … (A Jesuit shown here wearing the Black Frock of all Jesuit priests) ... He was appointed by Pope Francis, an ex-Jesuit priest.

Question During Jesuit elevation to a higher rank

 From whither do you come?
Answer:- The Holy faith.
Q.:- Whom do you serve?
A.:- The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.
Francis I Coat of Arms
Q.:- Who commands you? A.:- The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Q.:- Who received you?
A.:- A venerable man in white hair.
Q.:- How?
A.:- With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred order.
Q.:- Did you take an oath?
A.:- I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring.
Q.:- Will you do that?
A.:- I will.
Q.:- How do you travel?
A.:- In the bark of Peter the fisherman.
Q.:- Whither do you travel?
A.:- To the four quarters of the globe.
Q.:- For what purpose?
A.:- To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.
Q.:- Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated."

Personal Remark:
I have talked to Jesuit priests on 3 continents in last 50 years and Jesuit educated individuals(my cousin billy) ... they all could discuss logically & reasonably UP TO A POINT, the point of the rock-like immovable conviction/belief. That is the Jesuit-casuistic mind: First implementing the conviction, followed by the belief that such conviction is the ONLY TRUTH.

The JESUITS: the silent plotters who always have and always will be remaining in the shadow since it is secrecy that is the very basis of their power and influence. In the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction ceremony, recorded in the Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session of the USA, the real aims of the Society of Jesus are made crystal clear. 
You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and gather together all information for the benefit of your Order.” 


The book sold 5 million copies and all who read it, myself and 12's of Italian politicians could not REFUTE all the Proof presented (name, date, hour by hour reporting, No autopsy, No single blood sample taken for fear of revealing poison used in bottle shared with Sinister Cardinal VILLOT, etc.

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