Sunday 27 September 2015


ISIS control in Syria & Iraq
Taliban Army Bases in Afghanistan

This dissertation is not exclusively limited to the TALIBAN, it also applies to all aberrant ISLAMIST GROUPS as they all share the same fundamental reasons for existence. The article is divided into headings: FACTS…THE WEST QUANTUM LEAP….ISLAMISTS FUNDAMENTAL MOTIVATIONS….WELCOME TO THE 7TH CENTURY….EPILOGUE.

Islamic nations are in turmoil, imprisoned in a dogmatic religious fervor. The present conflict is between on the one hand the modern world (21th century) and on the other hand Islamic FEUDAL fundamentalism. To many it is simply SECULARISM VS. ISLAM.

The TALIBANS, during interrogation, look at you WITH BLANK DEAD-EYES RECITING A FEW SIMPLE VERSES IN ARABIC - A LANGUAGE THEY CANNOT READ, WRITE NOR UNDERSTAND…. The fact is that THEY VISCERALLY HATE THE MODERN WORLD, ALL OF ITS LAWS AND ACHIEVEMENTS BY REJECTING WESTERN CULTURE….With glaring expressions, they mention higher motivational reasons stating with fanatical affirmation that their actions are justified because they are rooted in the belief of ALLAH and the KORAN…. They are deaf to any academic consideration such as, for example, the possibility that the 4000 BCE (Before Common Era) notion of one single Creator-GOD could be a fable and that the word-of-mouth HADICE collected 1400 years ago is but a clever propagandistic myth…..These Taliban monsters, both men and women – yes there are women Taliban (sisters & daughters) show no hesitation, no human decency nor remorse in kidnapping school girls, then burning with cigarettes butts 50 % of the bodies and face of 9, 11 & 13 year-old Afghan girls because they attended school…These degenerates are impervious to logic and reasoning, explaining that “WE DO THIS SO THAT THE NEXT 2 GENERATIONS OF OUR WOMEN REMAIN PURE BELIEVERS IN ISLAM AND MOHAMED”…..repeating incessantly to UN troops “YOU SHALL NEVER DEFEAT US”.


Taliban Recruits
Up until the mid-fifties, the technological and scientific gap between the WEST and a few progressive Moslem nations, such Egypt & Turkey, even Iraq was significant but not insurmountable….it was just a question of producing more doctors, engineers, laboratories and creating consumer-related industries….It was thought feasible in time….but today 60 years later, Western achievements in every field has left the Islamic world far behind. What was considered as feasible 2 generations ago is now impossible to even contemplate. The WEST’s advance is indeed near science fiction, with satellites orbiting the earth recording & analyzing every inches of the globe, multiple landings on distant planets, stars explorations, nuclear submarines & aircraft carriers armed with tridents missiles, not to mention computer technology and its regular innovations, the gap faced by Moslem nations has become a deep, nightmarish abyss, when compared to the WEST’s quantum leap. Any hope of catching up or narrowing the gap is now pure illusion. The sheer magnitude, given the present conditions, of poverty, ignorance, technological backwardness and above all, the realization of the sustained gigantic effort required, by a culturally lazy, contemplative & fatalistic society, is an insurmountable objective.




“We know now we can never catch up, but we do not want your materialistic and greedy culture….we have our non-Western tradition and our own separate culture…. Our refuge is ISLAM, SHARIA AND KORAN”. Notice how SHARIA comes before Koran.

The sad fact is that such a fallacious argument is the characteristic defense mechanism of a desperate, if not destitute people…of an overwhelmed society about to lose its identity under the repeated blows of Western technology, culture and who in protest opted to reject the 21th century as the symbol of Western superiority…. preferring instead to fall back on the medieval dogma of its religious root and the belief in magic….the genie syndrome who out of a bottle, on a magical carpet, will spread wealth and give the Moslem world the technology it needs to equal the West.

The purported message of the West to Islam is that of a mutual partnership for the good of all…it would have been believable as well as acceptable were it not belied by the continuous unilateral support of Israel who carries out with impunity daily humiliations of nearly 4 million subjugated Palestinians + 6 million expatriates….and so, LIKE HAMAS AND OTHER MOSLEM RESISTANCE GROUPS, ISIS, TALIBAN & ISLAMISTS VIEW THE WEST/MOSLEM RELATIONSHIP, NOT AS A PARTNERSHIP, BUT AS THAT OF MASTER/PUPPETS…A CONFLICT BETWEEN WESTERN LIES AND HYPOCRISY VS. ISLAMIC HONOUR AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.

 woman lawyer - Huma Sultan - who recently endorsed her allegiance to the Taliban

The Taliban enjoy wide support of many Afghanis and are helped geographically and climatically, unlike the flat desert of the Middle East, by an ideal guerilla mountainous terrain which give credence to the “you will never defeat us”….Once this stance is fully adopted, a complex additional set of factors are also at play in this conflict, namely:
1.  General Ignorance of the modern world and how it works. The Taliban's extremely strict and anti-modern ideology has been described as an "innovative form of sharia combining Pashtun tribal codes”.         
2.   Ignorance of Islam’s great civilizing contributions from the 8th – 13th century….like all break away sect (Shiites, Wahhabis, Ismailis), the Taliban knowledge of Islam is limited to Mohamed, Caliph Ali and Islamic introduction to the Indus valleys in the 14th century….They have no idea that from the beginning the real West/Moslem arena was in the Mediterranean…..Christianity in the North and Islam in the south….the prize being the hegemony of the Mediterranean basin….and that

3. What happened in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan 5 centuries later was but a parochial affair.

Lack of Government Police Stations and communication network which allowed them to get rid of employment, education, sports for all women, dancing, clapping during sports events, kite flying, and characterizations of living things, including drawings, paintings, photographs, stuffed animals, and dolls.

Click on site and see the Taliban indoctrination of children - teaching them to use automatic weapons.

Strict Adherence to the SHARIA: which means prohibiting satellite dishes, cinematography, musical equipment, pool tables, chess, masks, alcohol, tapes, computers, VCRs, television, anything that propagates sex and is full of music, wine, lobster, nail polish, firecrackers, statues, sewing catalogs, pictures, Christmas cards. The Taliban are averse to debating doctrine with other Muslims. The Taliban do not allow even Moslem reporters to question [their] edicts or to discuss interpretations of the Koran.
Against the endemic corruption of multi-party Government Officials, ISLAMISTS offer a government set up as a secret society run by CLERICS ... mysterious, secretive, and dictatorial. They do not hold elections, as their spokesman explained, because the Sharia does not allow politics or political parties. 

Kalashnikov assault rifles and RPGs (endless supply) abound. In such an environment, war meant employment while peace meant unemployment.
Return to an Agrarian society in the name of Islam in which the women will do all the field work


The Taliban, ISIS like the Ikhwans are saying that Moslem men need only to read the KORAN which provides all the answers…. What is important is to be brought up in a totally male society, where dominating women simply affirmed manhood. Furthermore, education in mathematics, science, history or geography, traditional skills of farming, herding, or handicraft-making are superfluous, because God the almighty will feed everybody one way or another. (the genie syndrome).

“We want to live a life like the Prophet lived 1400 years ago, and jihad is our right. We want to recreate the time of the Prophet, and we are only carrying out what MOSLEM MEN have wanted for SO LONG. GENERAL ELECTIONS ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH SHARIA AND THEREFORE WE REJECT THEM”.

Though long ago I understood that all religions are nothing but bunk (the Opium of the masses), yet as a Middle Eastern man, born in Egypt with a Moslem birth name, I used to feel proud….Not anymore… seeing how fast the distorted philosophy of sectarian sects like the Ikhwans, Taliban, the aberrant ISIS monsters & others has spread all over the Moslem world, infecting and poisoning even the traditional moderate Sunnis, my feeling of shame today is indescribable…. Take women’s rights under Islam:

Moslem women, as early as the 8th century could inherit & administer their property on their own and that was centuries before European women were given the same rights … But everything became corrupted in the last 800 years, including the sickening belief that women must be subjugated & are nothing but perpetual slaves to men. SUCH A NOTION IS A TRAVESTY OF THE HISTORICAL ROLE AND RIGHTS OF WOMEN GIVEN UNDER TRUE ISLAM.


My message to all women, born a Moslem anywhere in the world, is that they should unite and ask to REGAIN their inherited Islamic rights, insist on a religious reformation …  or failing that declare themselves to be proud agnostics and take KORAN, HADICE, BIBLE, GOSPELS, TORAH and shelve all in the house library under the “FICTION & LEGEND” section… never to look at them again.


President Al Sissi, the brave ex-Field Marshall has ASKED THE ULEMAS OF AL-AZHAR UNIVERSITY TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX ...
The Koran, a LIVE WORD (and like all living things subject to natural evolution) must be interpreted according to the context. The revelation was given in the 7th century under very different conditions from those which prevail today. The reflection on the REFORM of the Islamic thought is not new. Many thinkers proposed to reinterpret the Koranic message according to the HISTORICAL CHANGING CONTEXT. But each time this approach turns short or is crushed ….the reference to the pious obedient ancestors, the contemporaries of MOHAMED DOMINATES EVERYTHING AND EVERY ATTEMPT….it is as if today’s modern Moslems do not have enough confidence in themselves to GO FORWARD.


(a collection of opinions about many subjects attributed to the prophet MOHAMED - the first such collection occurred 200-250 years after the prophet's death by the Persian researcher Mohamed Al Bukhairi. However, there were earlier collection of opinions written by contemporaries ... who were told most emphatically by MOHAMED to destroy/burn any writings which is not the KORAN).
As reported by Al Bukhairi, the prophet said with no equivocations: "do not write anything from me except the KORAN, those who wrote anything else must erase it"

 The first four Caliphs - Abu Bakr, Omar ibn Khattab, Othman Ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abu Talib -, all four obeyed the prophet's instructions and forbade the writings of all Hadiths. In fact, they burned all copies of Hadiths, including their own notes. "... and we have given you, the word of God in the KORAN which is complete ... what is mentioned in the KORAN, you must follow, for it is the law of ALLAH ... what is not mentioned is up to you...."
Eliminating and excluding Hadiths from the teaching of Islam means that the clerics become toothless ... no more 800 years of interpretations ... no more FATWAS ... NO MORE SHARIA LAW ... No more wearing of Niqab ... no ISIS, etc.
DISMISSING ALL VERSIONS OF HADITHS AS FALSE AND UNTRUE ... THAT IS THE RELIGIOUS REVOLUTION ... advocated by President El Sissi of Egypt ... there is no need to do anything else.





Saturday 19 September 2015


THE BATTLE OF KADESH IN 1274 B.C.E: It was a long time ago, 3,289 years ago, but it was a glorious time, ushered by a military genius and innovator: RAMSES II, PHARAOH OF EGYPT.

SETI I (Ramses II father).
Upon coming to power, PHAROAH SETI I adopted an aggressive campaign to recover Egypt's dominance in the northernmost areas. He successfully drove out desert tribes in Palestine, securing the area under Egyptian influence as a prelude to his final act. Seti I knew that the key to regaining control of Amurru in Syria was in an area called the Eleutheros Valley. This area north of the Lebanon range was a vitally important line of communication between northeast Syria and the entire Mediterranean coast. When Egypt utilized this area, which nominally sided with them prior to the Hittite invasion, Egyptian armies could move easily from the coast inland without having to march through rough terrain. It also allowed more possibility to expand westward. This area was indeed a strategic gold mine, and within this gold mine was the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River. Seti I first fought the Hittites directly in Kadesh. A depiction of Seti I attacking Kadesh is on the exterior of Hypostyle Hall in Karnak. Sety I approaches the heavy fortification in a chariot, while small Hittites are hit by a barrage of arrows. On a basalt stella found in Tell Nebi Mandu, near Kadesh, Sety I stands before a row of four deities dressed in Syrian garb. The craftsmanship of the stella is poor, as if it was made immediately after the capture of Kadesh, as a dedication before he hastily departed (Brand 120). Kadesh and Amurru both returned to the Hittite fold shortly after Seti's invasion. Although he showed much ambition to regaining control of Syria, he failed in his commitment. The apparently hasty departure of the Egyptian armies from Amurru and Kadesh were an invitation for the Hittites. Sety I finally agreed that Egypt would not expand influence into Kadesh and Amurru; the Hittites agreed that Egypt could keep Canaan and the city of Upi (Shaw 52). The story of the border disputes between the two empires could have ended there, if not for Sety's successor. Sety I ruled for ten years before giving his throne up to his son, one of the most famous pharaohs in the history of Egypt.

Seti I with Maggii - Royal Body Guards


Ramses began to take initiative in the fourth year of his reign (c. 1275 B.C.E.). He moved north through the mountains and attacked Amurru, destroying the agreement that his father had made. He re-established the Egyptian influence there rather easily by forcing Prince Benteshina to sign a vassal treaty. When it became appartent that Ramses II was set on war, Muwatallish arranged a massive army, calling in men from some sixteen provinces of the Hittite Empire. These include men from: Nahrin, Arzawa, Keshkesh, Masa, Pidasa, Arwen, Karkisha, Luka, Kizzuwanda, Carchemish, Ugarit, Kedy, the entire land of Nukhashshe, Mushanet, Kadesh. Ramses II led an expedition into Asia to achieve what his father had failed to do. He divided the powerful Egyptian army up into four forces: the Amun Division, which Ramses II himself led, the Re Division, the Ptah Division, and the Sutekh Division. It is thought that the Ptah or Sutekh Division was ordered to mobilize Egypt's local and foreign allies and then join them at Kadesh. Included among the Egyptian armies were Nubians, Libyans, and Canaanites (Shaw 28). Both these regiments remained followed at a distance away from the Amun and Re Corps. Ramses II probably did not know the position of the Hittite army, but he knew that taking control of Kadesh would be the best chance to stage an invasion into the northern territories taken by the Hittites

The Egyptian Empire and the Hittite Empire in 1274 BCE.

At stake was Kadesh, a fortress town in Syria that guarded the trade routes to the east (the Egyptians, and probably, the Hittites imported silk from China). Seti I, Ramses father, had captured the city, but when he returned to Egypt, the Hittites recaptured it

Destined to fight...the 2 armies met at Kadesh (A town in present day Syria). In 1285 BC, there were two superpowers in the ancient Near East, Egypt in the south and the Hatti, or Hittites, in Asia Minor to the north. Each wanted to play a leading role in the area and secure its influence in the regions between their countries, such as Syria and Palestine. The two superpowers finally clashed in the Battle of Kadesh.

The Egyptians and Hittites challenged one another for control of the eastern Mediterranean. The Hittites had iron weapons, the Egyptians didn’t. In 1288 B.C., the fifth year of his reign, Ramses and his young sons mounted chariots and led an army of 20,000 men---a huge number at that time---to Syria for a "superpower showdown" against the Hittite King Muwatalli II, whose force numbered 70,000.

The armies of these two empires were both powerful and massive. Ramses II stood in command of all Egyptian forces, and beneath him were two chief deputy corp commanders. Under them were the generals who commanded divisions, each consisting of 5,000 men. This would have placed the Egyptian force at Kadesh at 20,000 (Shaw 27). The Egyptian army consisted of volunteers who were highly motivated to fight. Each charioteer paid for his own chariot and weapons, and so the chariotry consisted of the richest members of society. Poorer citizens served as foot soldiers, if not to simply participate in battles, then to gain social rewards which were offered to all those who served. Egyptian soldiers earned more prestige than priests and scholars. Archaeological evidence shows that the primary Egyptian weapons were the composite bows and khopesh swords. Ramses II, like his father before him, was an excellent archer, and is shown with his bow in a chariot in almost all depictions of him in battle. Egyptian soldiers used the composite bows because they were so easy to carry and very accurate in the right hands, for up to three-hundred yards. The khopesh sword was slashing weapon wielded only by skilled warriors for use in close combat, and from which the Greeks probably derived their kopis that are so prominently depicted on 5th century Greek pottery (Oakeshott 49). A relief from the temple of Ramses II at Abydos illustrates these soldiers along with charioteers.
King Muwatalli II
The Hittite King Muwatalli came into power in 1308 B.C. He was more concerned with simply defending the lands of the Hittite Empire than expanding his borders. He administered a quick western campaign to settle down the trouble on the western side of the empire (Macqueen 48). This assured loyalty of the neighboring vassal states, and warranted that they would serve under the Hittites in the inevitable clash against the Egyptian armies. In the greatest time of need, all Hittite forces could concentrate on the southern end of the empire as Egypt began to advance.
Few single battles in the history have determined who was the most powerful empire in the known world; the Battle of Kadesh was one. In the period from 2000 B.C. to 1200 B.C. the indisputable most powerful civilizations in the known world were the Egyptians, the Hittites, and the Assyrians. Secondary players in the same region were Amurru, a kingdom of united lands in coastal and central Syria; Canaan, the coastal land south of the Orontes River; the Hurrians of Mitanni in the east; and Babylonia. Whichever empire could gain favorable relations with them or could control them would have a major advantage over the others. As rapid expansion of all three civilizations came to a head, there emerged border disputes. All eyes eventually turned to the narrow strip of land that connected Asia, Europe, and Africa, where civilizations incorporated the rich networks of trade and, influence.

 Young Pharoah RAMSES II with his tamed lion.
The Battle of Kadesh is the most thoroughly documented military engagement of ancient times in the Middle East with both antagonists claiming a decisive victory. The Battle of Kadesh is believed to have ended in a draw. The Battle of Kadesh has been fought in Syria at the end of May 1300 (or 1286 or 1275) B.C.E. between Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II and the Hittites under King Muwatalli II.

Ramses II forces consisted of 4 divisions named RA, PTAH, SETH, and AMUN. Each division comprised 5500 infantry and 500 chariots. In all the Egyptians had 22 000 infantry and 2000 chariots, while the Hittites had a superior force of 50,000 infantry and 3100 chariots.

The army crossed Canaan, or Palestine, and Phoenicia, or Lebanon, until it came to the hills south of Kadesh on the Orontes River.

At first, it looked like a Hittite victory

The actual number of the Hittie chariotry force is debated. The Poem and other Egyptian accounts cite that the initial attack consisted of 2,500 chariots. If that were so, the battle might have been over immediately; but instead the Re Division was simply broken up. Also, it is said that Muwatallish dispatched 1,000 more chariots at a later point in the battle. This leads one to believe that the actual force may have consisted of 1,500 or less. Whatever the numbers, this unit of Hittite chariotry, consisting of men from Arzawa, Masa, and Pidasa, now had a significant tactical advantage. They also cut off the commander and two divisions from the rest of the armies. While the Ptah Division was marching north, unaware of the disaster, the Hittites were in a position to destroy each division of the Egyptian army one by one. An Egyptian relief shows this attack on the Amun camp. Fallen horses and injured or dead Egyptian soldiers adorn the relief. Pharaoh's tent is in the center as Hittites, depicted in long kilts and helmets, are going through and killing the ranks on one side of the camp. ". . . whereas there was no high officer with me, no charioteer, no soldier of the army, no shield-bearer, my infantry and my chariotry scampering away before them, and not one of them stood firm to fight with them" (Poem 85 – 90). The Egyptian army under Ramses II was surely about to be annihilated, but luck takes a part in any battle.

Knowledge of the Hittite army of this period is greatly indebted to Egyptian reliefs. The driving force behind the Hittite army was the heavy chariot force. Consisting of a wooden frame covered with leather mounted on a wide axle with wooden six-spoked wheels, the Hittite chariot structure was similar to those of the Egyptians. The procedure for a Hittite assault involved putting the massive chariot force at the front of the attack force, then sending the infantry in to clean up what was left of the scattered enemies. During the time of Sety I, reliefs depict Hittite chariots with two men, one wielding a bow, the other a figure-eight shaped shield, presumably driving. Between the time of Sety I and Ramses II a third man was added to the chariot. In the Abydos temple of Ramses II, there are reliefs of these Hittite chariots heading into battle. In the relief, the third warrior has a large lance, seven to eight feet long. All three soldiers have a helmet that leaves the front of the scalp bare. Hittite chariot personnel also are shown wearing a garment reaching down to their elbows and ankles. This has been presumed to be scale armor. The skirt is either wrapped or has a large slit for mobility. Iron weapons also gave the Hittites a great advantage over the bronze weapons of Egypt, having developed the iron-smelting technique. Unfortunately, not many iron weapons have been recovered, due to the inefficiency of their technique. Though the Hittites had a large infantry, their use was secondary to the first offense of chariots, with great destructive potential. At the time of Kadesh, Muwatalli was said to possess a force of 2,500 heavy chariots for this battle, and three divisions of 18,000 and 19,000 men.

 The Poem and other Egyptian accounts cite that the initial attack consisted of 2,500 chariots. If that were so, the battle might have been over immediately; but instead the Re Division was simply broken up. Also, it is said that Muwatallish dispatched 1,000 more chariots at a later point in the battle. This leads one to believe that the actual force may have consisted of 1,500 or less. Whatever the numbers, this unit of Hittite chariotry, consisting of men from Arzawa, Masa, and Pidasa. They also cut off the commander and two divisions from the rest of the armies. While the Ptah Division was marching north, unaware of the disaster, the Hittites were in a position to destroy each division of the Egyptian army one by one. An Egyptian relief shows this attack on the Amun camp. Fallen horses and injured or dead Egyptian soldiers adorn the relief. Pharaoh's tent is in the center as Hittites, depicted in long kilts and helmets, are going through and killing the ranks on one side of the camp. ". . . whereas there was no high officer with me, no charioteer, no soldier of the army, no shield-bearer, my infantry and my chariotry scampering away before them, and not one of them stood firm to fight with them" (Poem 85 – 90). The Egyptian army under Ramses II was surely about to be annihilated, but luck takes a part in any battle.

The Hittite Chariot heavier with 3 men: driver, lancer, archer....effective but less maneuverable.....Notice the four spokes wheel.
The Egyptian Chariot much lighter with only 2 men: driver, archer was more maneuverable and faster. Egyptians made the wheel a SIX SPOKES
Egyptian chariots are characterized by widely spaced wheels on an axel set at the back of the cab, making them light and maneuverable for the two horses to pull. A saddle sat on the horses' withers, made in an inverted padded U shape with a tail like a Y which attached to the yoke ends.

The Amun division followed the king, accompanied by his bodyguards only, while the other three divisions were very far behind. The Hittites tried to trick Ramses by sending two Bedouins to lie about the enemy's army and its allies, which, they declared, were still far away near Khaleb, or Aleppo, in northern Syria. In fact, the enemy was hiding on the other side of the river, not far from the royal camp. However, Egyptian soldiers seized two Hittite spies and beat them until they confessed that the Hittite army was hiding not far behind Kadesh, ready for the attack. Suddenly, the enemy surrounded Ramses' camp and attacked, taking him and his bodyguards by surprise.

Ramses II, young, ambitious and fearless commanded personally the AMUN division.

The tired Egyptian soldiers were not prepared for the battle and three army divisions were absent. A total defeat for the king and the Egyptian army was expected. Muwatalli II had sent the force to test the strength of the armies of Egypt. The Egyptian RA Division was surprised by a small Hittite chariot force that had just forded the Orontes River. The chariot force chased after the scattered Re Division, straight into the Amun military camp. This Hittite force now had a chance to destroy Ramesses II himself. A distressed Re Division dashed into the Amun camp and created confusion among their fellow soldiers. The Hittites followed closely behind and surrounded the camp. They closed the circle inward, dispelling the unprepared soldiers from the tents. Ramses II watched his plans to control his Kadesh fall apart around him as his enemies closed in. How did it come down to this? Unmanned chariots are lined up, soldiers tend to the horses, and archers string their bows. The entire Hittite army was camped across the river. The deserters were actually spies. Muwatallish was now mobilizing forces near the thick vegetation around Kadesh. When scouts returned with Hittite prisoner, they revealed the position of the entire Hittite force, right across the river. That night, aware of the impending danger that he was now in, Ramses dispatched soldiers to bring the Ptah and Re Corps to his aid.

The AMUN and RA divisions engaged the Hittites....The SETH was slow & disorganized & started to break away, but rallied when the PTAH, which had taken the longer route along the coast, arrived and attacked, just in time.....

The next morning, Muwatallish did not waste any time and sent a chariot force across the river on the eastern side of Kadesh. The Re Division had just crossed the river and was hastening toward the Amun camp to aid the Pharaoh. Muwatallish probably anticipated this meeting, but not its great success. The Re Division was ambushed, and panicked. "They attacked the army of Re in its center while it was marching unsuspecting and not ready for battle," the poem goes (Poem 120-130). As the remaining warriors and chariots of the broken Egyptian force scurried to the encampment of the Amun Corps, the Hittite chariotry took advantage of the situation and followed them. Now, as the remnants of the panicked Re Corps created confusion in the camp, Muwatallish sent another 1,000 chariots to reinforce the pursuers, who then put into use the tactic of swift encirclement. Hittites surrounded the encampment on all sides, then closed in.

The Hittite soldiers fought without pay to fulfill a feudal obligation or to get rich from the spoils of war (Macqueen 59). The only payment they received was whatever they were able to plunder in battle, and sometimes this was a great incentive to fight. It seems that Hittite soldiers in the assault were lured to riches inside the tents and on the dead, and initiative was lost. In their greedy rampage, they missed a chance to capture or kill Ramses II, his family, and the highest-ranking nobles of Egypt. They could have also destroyed all the unmanned chariots and other equipment in the camp to prevent a counter-attack.

Remaining Egyptian soldiers, now more scattered and unorganized than before, were able to detain the looters until reinforcements could arrive. Suddenly, reinforcements came from the east in the form of a single regiment. The Egyptians were now able to overcome the surprised Hittite plunderers (Ceram 176). "Ramses the Great" owes his life to them. There is dispute on exactly who these saviors were, because there is only one mention of them made in Egyptian records. Some people believe this force to have originated in Amurru, which Ramses had previously conquered and fostered support (Kitchen 60). Others believe them to be Canaanites or even the Seth Division, which should have been far to the south at this point. The poet that recorded the battle attributed the king's counter-attack to divine intervention. Gathering whatever chariots and men he could, Ramses and his bodyguards charged through the Hittite force

It is recorded in the Egyptian accounts of the battle that the King, who found himself surrounded by the enemy, prayed to Amun-Re for help while fighting valiantly. He was rescued from being killed, thanks to his courage and some troops of Egyptian cadets, called Naaruna.

Stationed in the Land of Amor, they came from the rear of the Hittites, causing confusion in their lines. Many Hittite fighters were killed, wounded, or drowned. The rest of the enemy prayed for peace and fled to the fortress of Kadesh, which was surrounded by water. Even after the battle, the two superpowers were almost equally strong.


What is still mystery is what Muwatallish was thinking when he did not send his large infantry to support his ruined chariot force. If he had not failed to do this, the Hittites might have won the greatest victory of the ancient world by destroying three quarters of the powerful Egyptian army. Instead of supporting his fleeing chariot force, he held back his infantry. As night fell, Muwatallish decided to cut his losses and retreated his forces back into Kadesh from the Egyptian battlefield. Today's fighting was over, and no great victory was accomplished, but rather a stalemate.

Ramses looked to his own armies in rage, considering their "weakness" an act of treason. Muwatallish watched as he supposedly killed his own men on the bank of the Orontes. Ramses now knew that his goal of conquest was not going to be achieved. Ramses received a message from the prince of Hatti as he began to retreat (Poem 300 - 330). According to the poet, Ramses the Great, the commander endowed with godly power, having just slaughtered the Hittite army now sought diplomacy with those whom he just defeated.


The Hittites allowed Ramses and his army to retreat honorably while Kadesh remained in the Hittite sphere of influence. As Ramses led his army away, Muwatallish moved south instead of back north. He overwhelmed formerly Egyptian Kumidi, then down into Damascus, eventually to occupy all of the province of Upi. He then turned back northward, leaving his brother Hattusilis in charge of the new areas (Kitchen 63). Either Ramses was powerless to stop these incursions or he had agreed to their delivery. Either way, for it to have come to this meant that Ramses was not a decisive victor at the Battle of Kadesh.

King Muwatalli could stand the bloodshed no longer, and probably realizing that neither side could win the battle, he sent a letter pleading for peace saying:

"Do not be hard in your actions, victorious king, peace is better than fighting, give us time to breathe."

 Negotiations were entered into, with King Muwatallis wanting a peace treaty but Ramses would have none of it and only agreed to sign a truce. Ramses's megalomania saw this stand off between the two nations as a personal victory and returned home to have his dubious victory commemorated. The battle was re-enacted in relief carvings on all Egypt's major monuments.

The Battle of Kadesh was recorded in texts and illustrations in eight separate versions located in the temples of Karnak, Luxor, the Ramesseum, and Abydos.

A shorter version was recorded in the temple of Abu Simbel. Another version, known as the Poem of Pentawer, was written on a papyrus, now shared by the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris.

The battle is recorded in Egyptian annals as a great victory, but the truth is that it was a draw.... Ramses has the distinction of ending the battle in a draw in spite of his long supply line … However; it led to the first recorded peace agreement in the world between 2 nations: the Egyptian Empire and the Hittite Empire (the frontiers having been agreed to).

Few single battles in the history have determined who was the most powerful empire in the known world; the Battle of Kadesh was one. In the period from 2000 B.C. to 1200 B.C. the indisputable most powerful civilizations in the known world were the Egyptians, the Hittites, and the Assyrians. Secondary players in the same region were Amurru, a kingdom of united lands in coastal and central Syria; Canaan, the coastal land south of the Orontes River; the Hurrians of Mitanni in the east; and Babylonia. Whichever empire could gain favorable relations with them or could control them would have a major advantage over the others. As rapid expansion of all three civilizations came to a head, there emerged border disputes. All eyes eventually turned to the narrow strip of land that connected Asia, Europe, and Africa, where civilizations incorporated the rich networks of trade and, influence.

 Rameses II ruled for sixty-seven years, and proved to be the most industrious builder and most ambitious pharaoh that ever ruled Egypt. Great new constructions were raised in Memphis, Thebes, Hermopolis, and Nubia. Many complexes from the days of religious reformer Akhenaten were reconstructed in the name of Ramses II (Aldred 190). Because most complexes were temples, Ramses II had his name superimposed over the names on the cartouches of former kings. He also found many unfinished statues of Amenhotep III in the temple of Luxor and had them completed in his image (Aldred 191). One large temple is found in Abu Simbel on the eastern bank of the Nile. It is recognized for its four large seated king statues on its facade, over sixty-five feet high. The sunken reliefs of the interior of the temple are topographical details of the Battle of Kadesh, which present half of the whole story of the battle. Ramses may have introduced some coarse and hasty work, thought to be the effect of the Pharaoh's ambitions outrunning his resources. Could this fault have manifested in his dreams of conquest as well?

 On the west face of a pylon in the Ramesseum in Thebes, many reliefs depict the battle. First, there is a representation of the Egyptian Amun camp on the Orontes River. Unmanned chariots are lined up, soldiers tend to the horses, and archers string their bows. The entire Hittite army was camped across the river. The deserters were actually spies. Muwatallish was now mobilizing forces near the thick vegetation around Kadesh. When scouts returned with Hittite prisoner, they revealed the position of the entire Hittite force, right across the river. That night, aware of the impending danger that he was now in, Ramses dispatched soldiers to bring the Ptah and Re Corps to his aid.
It is plausible to assume that Ramses had actually hit his first tactical move. He attacked the Hittite front along the river where it was the weakest, penetrating the encirclement and securing his back. Many scholars recognize this as a counter-attack. The reliefs on the Ramssium show Ramses alone in his chariot firing arrows at the Hittites. Soldiers and horses lay dead at the feet of the larger-than-life pharaoh.
Ramses II Mummy (5' 8" & red hair) Cairo Museum

Commentary on Hittites
Hattusilis III, supreme commander of the army camp and chariot forces of the Hittites and Muwatallish's brother, is thought to have conspired against his brother at the battle with the ruler of Amurru, under Egyptian control at the time (Ceram 187). After the battle, however, the Amurru king Benteshina, turned his allegiance to the Hittites. Perhaps dealings with Hattusilis had influenced this decision. This is also further proof that the Hittites were victorious in this battle; it is not logical that an ally of the victorious empire would change sides to the beaten.

Though Muwatallish had halted Egyptian expansion and defined a peaceful border of the Hittite Empire, this battle had serious consequences for the Hittites. While Hittites had been concentrating on Egyptian affairs, they were hardly prepared when Assyria defeated Mitanni to the east making it an Assyrian vassal state. No longer had the Hittites a buffer against Assyrian aggression. Muwatallish died about one year after the Battle of Kadesh. His son, Urkhi-Teshub, succeeded him. After taking one too many territories away from his uncle, supreme commander Hattusilis III declared war on the young king. They competed for power as western lands took advantage of internal disputes and declared independence from Hittite control (Macqueen 49). For his seven year rule, Urkhi-Teshub was more interested in keeping his position than keeping his empire, as the Assyrians pressed against the Euphrates. Perhaps Urkhi-Teshub was so set against his uncle coming to the throne because of his uncle's alleged treason in the Battle of Kadesh.

Hattusilis III finally took over the throne and exiled the son of Muwatallish, who was very unpopular at the time. When Hattusilis evaluated the condition of his empire and that of Assyria, he became increasingly friendly with Egypt. In the twenty-first year of Ramses' reign, ca. 1259, Hattusilis and Ramses CREATED A DIPLOMATIC TREATY, THE FIRST DOCUMENT OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. Hattusilis sealed this deal by marrying his daughter to Ramses. It contained four important conditions:

Peace Treaty                        

 1) The continuation of the treaty concluded between Ramses and Muwatallish, concerning non-aggression.
2) Mutual assistance in the form of military aid.

 3) Security in the problem of Hattusilis' succession
4) Mutual extradition of fugitives.

 This pact, reflected in the reliefs of Abu Simbel, gave the people of the Near East the great accomplishment of nearly seventy years of peace. The remaining annals of Hattusilis describe necessary military action in the west. The exiled Urkhi-Teshub supposedly influenced Babylonia in a way as to strain their relations with the Hittites, then proceeded to incite the Assyrians to lay assault to the Hittite capital. After this happened, Hattusilis moved his exiled nephew to an island, probably Cyprus (Gurney 37). Slowly, the Hittite Empire was declining and weakening. The greatest threat the Mediterranean had ever seen came in the form of massive expedition of the Sea Peoples, from whom no one, Greek, Egyptian, or Hittite, was safe. The Hittite Empire was destroyed by the Sea People in 1200 B.C. (Hitti 156). The capital of the Hittite Empire was sacked and burned.
The Battle of Kadesh is truly the mother of all battles, in every sense. Fought on the banks of the Orontes River in Syria, this is the earliest battle of which true military tactics are known. Pharoah Ramesses II led an army of 20,000 men in an attempt to maintain his crumbling empire. Muwatallish, the Hittite king, had set an ambush for the Egyptians, sending about 2,500 chariots, each holding three men.

Please click on this video. It contains a detailed description of the tactical plan, commentaries by historians & military analysts ... and lost opportunities.

 Ramses was having many problems of his own. Part of the reason for his hasty retreat after Kadesh was probably the sore condition of his own territories. All of Canaan flared into a revolt shortly after the battle, seeing that the mighty Egyptian Empire could be beaten, that the strong armies of Egypt were not infallible as they had feared (Redford 185). Soon the Egyptian Empire could barely lay claim to anything beyond the Sinai Peninsula; although in year eight of his reign, three years after Kadesh, Ramses did lead an army into the northern coastal area at Tripolis (Schmidt 174). A few years after that he made a treaty with Muwattalish, which is cited in a later document. It was basically a statement of non-aggression, so that the Muwatallish could concentrate on Assyria and Ramses could concentrate on his own empire (Schmidt 115).


A replica of a treaty dating from 1269 B.C. -- the earliest peace treaty whose text is known to have survived -- was presented to Secretary-General U Thant, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ihsan Sabri Caglayangil.

 The replica -- a gift from the Government and people of Turkey to the United Nations -- is of the original treaty signed by Hattusillis III, King of the Hittites, and Ramses II, King of the Egyptians

 Hattusilis III finally took over the throne and exiled the son of Muwatallish, who was very unpopular at the time. When Hattusilis evaluated the condition of his empire and that of Assyria, he became increasingly friendly with Egypt. In the twenty-first year of Ramses' reign, ca. 1259, Hattusilis and Ramses created a diplomatic treaty, the first document of its kind. Hattusilis sealed this deal by marrying his daughter to Ramses. It contained four important conditions:

Three events occurred that would change the situation between the two nations forever:

1.      The first being the death of king Muwatallis, occurring in year 8-9 of Ramses's reign. His death led to a power struggle within the Hatti royal court, with his son Urhi-Teshnub succeeding him, ruling as Mursilis II. Mursilis II was usurped by his uncle Hattusilis, a war-monger, who had designs on conquering Egypt.

2.      Secondly, in year 18-19 Urhi-Teshnub sought refuge in Egypt, where upon Hattusilis requested his deportation, which Ramses flatly refused. Tensions ran so high, that it led the two countries to the brink of hostilities, almost to the point of repeating Kadesh.

3.      Thirdly, a new powerful nation was sweeping across the Levant, the  Assyrians. They had already over thrown the Mitanni Empire and were now threatning to invade Hatti.  Hattusilis, an experienced diplomat, could see the sense of forming an alliance with Egypt, as it would be mutually beneficial for one another.  In regnal year 21 a peace treaty was agreed to, inextricably tying the two nations to everlasting peace. This momentous occasion was sealed and inscribed on two matching silver tablets.

Twelve years after the treaty had been signed and to prove that this was a permanent agreement, Hattusilis III sent his eldest daughter as a bride to Ramses. She arrived "year 34, 3rd month of winter" ( c. 1246-1245 BC) and was accepted into Ramses's harem as Mahor-Neferure, "she is one who sees Horus, the beauty of Re".
A few years later, year 44, another one of Hattusilis daughters was sent for Ramses to marry, an action that can only be described as a bribe, as a means of securing the continued allegiance between the two countries.
The Hittite version of the treaty was erected at Hattusas, the capital of Hatti, and was written in cuneiform, the preferred language for international diplomacy. 

As a gesture of entente cordial, the queens of Hatti and Egypt, Puduhepa and Nefertari respectively, sent one another congratulatary gifts and letters.

Today an enlarged copy of this peace pact made of cuneiform tablet found in  Hattusas hangs in the United Nations building in New York, demonstrating to modern statesmen that international  treaties are a tradition going back to the earliest civilizations.

Let's get rid of Myths & Legends about Canaanites.

Notice how the areas covering today Israel & Lebanon have been for nearly 5 000 YEARS PART OF EGYPT...THE AREAS WERE EGYPTIAN PROVINCES WITH EGYPTIAN GARRISONS..."THE LITERATURE OF ANCIENT EGYPTIANS" IS FILLED WITH LETTERS FROM GOVERNORS WRITING TO WIVES OR REPORTING TO PHARAOHS. This Hebrew Chieftains David & Solomon were in fact no more than chieftains and their ruling lasted no more than 50 years. The records of ancient Egypt tell that Jeroboam, the favorite of Solomon fled to Egypt, where he remained under the protection of pharaoh Shishak until the death of Solomon. In his war against Rehoboam, he was constantly asking the pharaoh of Egypt for help “…  to my lord, to my king, to the sun in heaven…. I plead you …” asking the Egyptian garrisons to help him subdue the rebellious pretender to his rule in Judea, until finally Judah had been conquered and turned into a vassal of Egypt.
In fact, even as late as 1840, the entire areas were subject to Egypt's rule under Ibrahim Pasha (eldest son of Mohamed Ali Pasha - founder of Egypt Vice-Regal dynasty.
Among the many Egyptologists who studied Ancient Egyptians records:

Erman, Adolf, a renowned German scientist, Egyptologist and lexicographer “Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Collection of Poems, Narratives and Manuals of Instructions from the Third and Second Millennia BC, translated by Aylward M. Blackman, New York: Kegan Paul