Tuesday 28 June 2016


Counting the stars in the universe is like trying to count the number of sand grains on a beach (impossible). Although estimates vary among different experts, the general consensus is that there are at least between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies in our universe. Think about that for a moment, and now throw in billions of stars in each galaxy! And for all we know, this number could very easily be in the trillions.
Take the Milky Way Galaxy for example, which measures about 120,000 light years across (it would take light that many years to travel across the galaxy), and contains up to 400 billion stars.
Again, we’re talking about billions of galaxies that contain billions of stars.
Scientists estimate that at least 10 billion habitable Earth-sized planets exist in the Milky Way alone, but it’s important to keep an open mind about what type of conditions and environments some unknown extraterrestrial forms could thrive in. They all don’t necessarily have to be Earth-like; the conditions we deem necessary for life might be exclusive to life on this planet, or this type of planet.
Given our estimation of the size of the universe, or multiverse (whatever you want to call it), odds are we are not alone.

Major organizations have started preparing how to break the news to the world; the planning has begun. NASA for example, recently gathered scientists, philosophers, and theologians from around the world to discuss how the announcement would be made. Multiple congressional hearings have already taken place on the subject and many people who work in the “industry” are starting to voice their excitement.

In the United States alone, at least half of all Americans say that we’re not alone in the universe. Fifty percent of Americans already believe that there is some form of life on other planets, while only seventeen percent think that there isn’t. A quarter of Americans believe that intelligent extraterrestrial visitors have already come to Earth and have been doing so for millennia.
Adding more fuel to the flame is the fact that we have hundreds of high ranking military and government personnel, academicians, and more testifying to the fact that we are not alone, and that the government knew it decades ago. The evidence is there.

Here are official statements of Astronauts, USA Generals, CIA former Directors, NASA scientists, Senators, Canada's ex-Minister of defense & US Presidential candidates: 

Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain, and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences

There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time, that their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor.

In my opinion I think they were worried that it would panic the public if they knew that someone had vehicles that had this kind of performance … so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to cover another lie, you know, tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it. Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told a lot of untruths…. [and that] there are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.” Gordon Cooper, Former NASA Astronaut, Aeronautical Engineer, and test pilot; one of the seven original astronauts in Project Mercury, the first manned space program of the United States.

Eugene Cernan was commander of Apollo 17. In a Los Angeles Times article in 1973 he said, about UFOs: "...I've been asked (about UFOs) and I've said publicly I thought they (UFOs) were somebody else, some other civilization."

One more statement by an astronaut

"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."

The entire world is now ready to accept the truth about UFO and Aliens races, Russia and Brazil have given the USA one more year, before they unilaterally will give evidence of Aliens presence & visitations. We all know that the Vatican already admitted Alien existence & visitations more than 2 years ago
You can listen to his interview
(simultaneous English translation)

The list goes on and on ...One of the largest UFO/extraterrestrial hearings took place at the National Press Club, which was also held in Mid-2013. At this event, hundreds of researchers, activists, and military/agency/political witnesses, representing ten countries, gave UFO/extraterrestrial testimony to six former members of the United States Congress about events and evidence indicating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up 2013 1080p HD


Click link below (press CTRL and right click)


UFO Sightings by Astronauts     Click on link below.


President Eisenhower at the New Mexico Muroc Airfield base (now called EDWARDS AIRFIELD BASE) had the first of 3 meetings with extraterrestrials on February 20- 21 1954. It was attended by CIA & FBI and also by a “Wise Men” group of four members of civil society, that is, those who were not politicians, intelligence agents, or members of the armed forces, all in their 80s. They were GERALD LIGHT, a metaphysical scientist; EDWIN NOURSE, a leading economist; JAMES FRANCIS MACINTYRE, bishop and head of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles; and FRANKLIN WINTHROP ALLEN, a well-known journalist.

“The four represented senior leaders of the religious, spiritual, economic, and newspaper communities and were advanced in age and status. They would certainly have been plausible choices for a community delegation that could provide confidential advice on a possible public response to a First Contact event involving extraterrestrial races.” 

The meeting was at once awesome and terrifying to most of the people present, who thought they had met supernatural beings and the world had come to an end. In a highly emotive letter to a confidante dated April 16 1954, Gerald Light underlined his fear, shock, and bewilderment in the following words: “I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realised their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description.

Salla,citing Charles Suggs, whose father, a former Navy Commander, was present at the meeting, chronicles the proceedings thus: “Ike along with others…met and spoke with two white-haired Nordics that had pale blue eyes and colourless lips. The spokesman stood a number of feet away from Ike and would not let him approach any closer. A second Nordic stood on the extended ramp of a bi-convex saucer that stood on tripod landing gear on the landing strip… these visitors said they came from another solar system. They posed detailed questions about nuclear testing.”

The other 2 other presidents who had meetings with the aliens GREYS are Harry Truman (refer to majestic 12) and J F Kennedy … Nixon refused to meet being afraid of germs contamination.


They came first as DNA humanoid creators, later as builders and teachers, now more recently as observers around military nuclear army bases.

Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs – 1338

Given the time these paintings were created, there was no reasonable explanation for what was seen in the sky unless it was out of this world.




The Madonna with Saint Giovannino -- 1494

This painting depicts a man and his dog looking up at what appears to be UFO-like objects ... as we know them now. In the 15th century, there was no reason that anyone would know what a present-day UFO is believed to look like.

It’s nothing to fear, they’ve been around forever. First as DNA humanoid creators, later as teachers, recently as observers around military nuclear bomb airbases. They were aware of us long before we became aware of them. Our ancient civilizations in Earth’s brief past have referred to them as "Gods coming from the skies" and drew them on Petroglyphes all over the planet.



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